For those of you out there who either don't know of, or have never participated in an exquisite corps drawing session, let me explain a bit about it. First you find some cool people to draw with, then you take one sheet of paper and fold it into three sections. You can pick a theme, a word, or a figure to work from. The lovely ladies from the Visual Arts Association of Alberta (who we just so happen to share our third floor living space with) offered to help me get some examples ready for our big DRAW event this upcoming Saturday. They used me as their model, each with a section of their very own. Sharon had my bust, Jaye had my torso, and Brittany had my legs! Exquisite Corps works kind of like this...the first person draws their section then folds it over so the next person can't see what they have just drawn. After each person has finished their section, they take a few lines and peak them over the fold so that the person who will be drawing after them, has a starting point. The second person repeats and does the same. Then when the third person finishes

Sharon, Jaye and Brittany's drawing actually turned out surprisingly normal, and it was the first time any of them had tried it!
I decided to post another example of an exquisite corps drawing. I'm not sure who's it is because I borrowed it from the internet. I also have no idea what they used for a theme, but it shows how weird these drawings can get.
If you haven't tried this cool drawing collaboration, come to Harcourt this Saturday anytime between 12pm and 5:30pm. We'll be doing it, plus lots of other neat drawing stuff.
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