Sherri Chaba: Life-Line
Cynthia Fuhrer: I Make My Own Friends
January 6 – February 12, 2011
Opening reception: Thursday, January 6 from 7-10 pm
Cynthia Fuhrer artist talk: Thursday, January 6 at 6 pm
Sherri Chaba artist talk: Friday, January 14th at 1:00 pm,
Room 203 at MacEwan Centre for the Arts and Communications, 10045-156 Street, Edmonton

In the Front Room Gallery, Cynthia Fuhrer exhibits a new body of work of people who do not exist. This exhibition grew over an 18 month period when Furher compulsively drew faces, which have since evolved into clay busts.
Fuhrer’s portraits are created with no one in mind and no forethought as to what the faces will look like. These beautifully peculiar busts allow the rawness of the material to show through, yet provide something delicately “human” for viewers to identify with.
Join us for these intriguing shows -- and don't forget about the free artist talks.